Omar Faruk

Information Technology | Software Engineer



I'm a Detroit based software engineer who is exceptional in programming. As a senior at Wayne State University studying Information Technology, with a major in information systems and minor in computer science, I have enhanced my natural ability and skillset in the industry by seeking out internships, earning certifications, completing projects, and participating in organizations.


CompTIA Network+

Ability to design, implement, configure, and maintain functional networks.


Ability to install software, establish network connectivity, and identify basic security risks.

Network Pro

Demonstrated ability of network computing environments.


  • Cloud Storage & Big Data Technologies Intern

    NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

    Optimizing cloud storage for Earth Science data using AWS to improve user experience in accessing and analyzing big data in the cloud

  • Software Engineer Intern

    Rocket Auto - Rock Family of Companies

    Defined, built, tested, and delivered a project in a team of 3 using Node.js and SQL which is used for the Rocket Auto live site.

    Dedicated to 40% of the overall codebase which have forecasted to increase car sales by up to 10% of major car dealers on the site.

  • Information Technology Intern

    Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan

    Analyzed data to problem solve for two key projects and completed technical design review, conceptual solution, and future state documents to enable single sign on for providers portal and to edit existing claim’s codes.

    Managed the SharePoint site for IT Claims Projects as a designer to ensure a directory of restricted files alleviating the loss of files and allowing storage of project estimation templates.

    Created user guide for Customer Service Request dashboard, which is now rolled out department-wide.


CLI Game Using OOP & Data Structures with C++

Hero Escape!

Move your hero through multiple rooms of the map in order to reach the MYSTERY exit room. Be AWARE, the rooms throughout the map contain DANGEROUS monsters such as Azra and her SCARY friends, Mahnoor and Dora, who will HURT you at all costs! Look out for items to aid in your battle and use your ability to retreat from a room wisely!


Web Development

Portfolio Website

Release 1: Using HTML and CSS to code a portfolio website, and depoloying it through AWS S3, IAM Roles, EC2, VPC, LetEsncrypt SSL, and Route53.

Release 2: Hosted website statically using S3 static hosting, Certificate Manager, Cloudfront and Route53.

CLI Game using C++


A card game which displays the probabilty of the next card being good or bad, and plays against computer.


Console Application using C++

Snow Shepherd's Inventory Application

Version 1: Creating a console application to utilize Snow Shepherds inventory by allowing user to find product using search ID and name and also listing the full inventory. Tools used were functions, structs, loops, branching, and utilizing an input file to read data from.

Version 2: Added menu options 4 to change wholesale price, 5 to change product price, 6 to order product, and 7 to sell products by adding additional else if statements and options to menuOption’s function

Data Science using Python - Hackathon: GrizzHacks5

US Police Shootings

This project takes the total number of deaths by police in the United States and visualizes the data to break it into a few categories: Deaths by race, gender, state, age, mental illness, fleeing, and threat level. Tools used are anaconda, matplotlib, and pandas.

Hackathon Post


Currently, I am looking for a full time opportunity as a software engineer beginning January of 2022. Don't hesitate to reach out to me for any opportunities!